$MORI Amount: 1,000,000 Token Smart Contract: 0x00c8555542158Fff0FEb892c8e000a8D1831762C(Dextool)
50% to Liquidity Incentives
25% to the Core Contributors
6% to the Public Sale
10% to Treasury Reserve
7% to Marketing and Promotion
1.2% to Initial Liquidity
0.8% to airdrop
0xa9ad6830180f9c150349f2cecadd710586e35cb7 $ETHC:
xMORI is a non-transferable escrowed governance token, corresponding to staked MORI. It can be earned from yield-generating staking positions, or through direct MORI conversion. xMORI can be utilized in the following usecases:
Protocol revenue sharing
Yield booster
Last updated